Blogger "ThatCBDChick" shares her love for Clear Natural CBD.
Posted by chris vasquez on
I figured I'd better let you guys get to know a little bit about me before I jump right into the good stuff. My name is Nikki. I grew up in a small Swedish town in the land of 10,000 lakes. For those who don't know, I grew up in Minnesota. Being 22 and having been diagnosed with social anxiety and depression has taken my life down a negative path. I have been diagnosed with Anxiety and Panic Disorder for quite some time... After several years of doctors pushing pill after pill down my throat, I knew...
Can You Bring CBD Oil On Planes?
Posted by chris vasquez on
Now that recreational marijuana use is legal in eight states, more people are finding themselves wondering what the law says about traveling with cannabis. Complicating matters, the TSA has issued somewhat vague guidelines about what is permissible and what isn’t. And most of the confusion has to do with the status, not of dried flower, but of oils and extracts. Take CBD oil, for example, some types of which are legal everywhere. Can you bring CBD oil on planes? For the most part, yes. And here’s why you might want to. CBD Oil Can Help Reduce Anxiety Naturally Flying is...
Illinois Judge Allows 11-Year-Old Girl To Use Medical Marijuana At School
Posted by chris vasquez on
An 11-year-old suburban Chicago elementary school student who suffered from leukemia can now use medicinal marijuana at school, a federal judge ruled Friday. The girl's parents sued a Schaumburg-based school district and the state of Illinois for her to have the right to take medical marijuana at school to treat her seizure disorders. The plaintiffs of the federal lawsuit, who are identified by initials, contended the state's ban on taking the drug at school is unconstitutional. They said it denies the right to due process and violates the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Friday's decision...
Study: Legalizing marijuana nationally could generate more than $132 billion in tax revenue and 1 million jobs
Posted by chris vasquez on
Legalizing marijuana nationwide would create at least $132 billion in tax revenue and more than a million new jobs across the United States in the next decade, according to a new study. New Frontier Data, a data analytics firm focused on the cannabis industry, forecasts that if legalized on the federal level, the marijuana industry could create an entirely new tax revenue stream for the government, generating millions of dollars in sales tax and payroll deductions. “When there are budget deficits and the like, everybody wants to know where is there an additional revenue stream, and one of the most...
Mexico Aims to Legalize Cannabis-Based Edibles, Medicines, and Cosmetics in 2018
Posted by chris vasquez on
This week, Mexico's health department announced that they were drafting regulations to allow the sales of cannabis-based foods, drinks, cosmetics, and medicine next year. Arturo Tornel, the spokesperson for The Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risk (Cofepris), which establishes health regulations in the country, said that the formal guidelines concerning these new products will be published within the next several days. Tornel explained that sales of pure cannabis flower will not be allowed, nor will Mexican canna-businesses be allowed to grow their own crops. Cofepris expects distributors and retailers to import the cannabis products they wish to sell from other countries, although...